Lola Hopscotch and the First Day of School is Featured in the PACER Center’s Bullying Resources Book Club! The PACER Center is a leader in sharing resources for those who have been either impacted by bullying or bullied themselves. One of the wonderful resources they offer is a book club for books to help kids and their adults communicate about and deal with the sensitive subject of bullying. I know that I … Continue reading Lola Hopscotch and the First Day of School is Featured in the PACER Center’s Bullying Resources Book Club!

Lola Hopscotch and the First Day of School©

Book One. I'm happy to announce the first book in my children's picture book series is complete. It's very exciting to me because I've wanted to create these books for a long time. The intent behind my Lola Hopscotch stories is to get sensitive early-childhood issues out in the open between young kids and parents at an … Continue reading Lola Hopscotch and the First Day of School©